Christine Day Online

Christine’s Message May 2022



How wonderful that we have the beginnings of Spring with the birds nesting and tiny buds beginning to come out on the bushes and trees on our land in Grand Marais!. I love the sound of the birds in the early morning and how they take flight more often with the warmer air.


I am about to travel to Australia, going into the central desert area, returning to Uluru. I feel such an excitement stirring within my heart, a quickening of anticipation to me returning to a very sacred environment of my Home. I do know that my life is about to take another ‘turn of the wheel’ and I have been waiting for this. Actually I have been waiting to return to Uluru since the moment I was about to leave there and that was more than 2 years ago.


The timing has been perfect of course.


I do know that I will be downloading some powerful encryptions from the Pleiadians and Galactic community to bring back for the express purpose of transmission to all of you who are open to receive another level of reconnection to your Galactic family of origin. We are all going to be launched within the sacred frequencies transmitted at Uluru, through me and outwards to each one of you.


I am filled with a huge gratitude and joy just thinking about my upcoming trip, so much anticipation yet knowing that I will be required to let go like never before. And I am ready!


Holding you all with love,

