Christine Day Online

Christine's Message August 2022



There are so many expansive changes taking place within the planet that are directly impacting us as we navigate our way through our 3rd dimensional lives. Simultaneously we are being re-orientated to a higher resonance frequency that is shifting our inner perceptions to a vast pathway that is being revealed to us individually.


Alisa and I are busy packing and reorganizing our belongings in readiness for our shift which is taking us across to the other side of the world. We are in a flow of everything effortlessly unfolding and are in a deepening space of gratitude for all that we are being given in support moment by moment.


I have been undergoing a state of rapid transformation, being reorientated to a higher consciousness state of connection, telepathically being guided Home. This has brought me into a much more complete understanding of my journey that is unfolding at this juncture. There has been a highlighting of my new pathway which enables me to take these next steps forward with confidence. I have witnessed the purity of my light that has been intensifying and merging with the Collective universal consciousness.


For all that is and has been revealed I am grateful and filled with a deep appreciation of the many gifts that have been bestowed upon me. I wish to remind you all to continue letting go of all the drama, the illusion of our earth plane and hold onto the ‘knowing’ of the sacred which resides within your Heart.


Love and blessings,

