Christine Day Online

Christine's Message September 2022



Life is like a whirlwind right now as we are busy packing, organizing for our move to Australia. It has been 30 years since I have lived in Australia, and the move to Alice Springs, which will place us in the deep red center of Australia feels extraordinarily fulfilling, exciting and at the same time daunting to my Ego mind. I know I am going forward to meet my destiny; however, I do not know how that will look as it unfolds. I do not pretend to know what is ahead, only the firm knowledge that it is my next step forward.


It is challenging leaving family members, friends behind in this beautiful country of America. I love this country and it will continue to play an essential role in my life. We move from our land in Grand Marais for now and know that the energies of the Galactic Receiving Station are in perfect energetic order for us to leave.


So, this time is about a huge letting go on many, many levels. Letting go of physical belongings, letting go of being physically close to deep friendships and to family members. Letting go of the need to know, moving on another level of trusting. This is almost the same process to 30 years ago when I moved from Australia to the USA.


We have a huge to do list that needs to be completed to be ready to leave the USA on November 14th. We trust we will have the time to complete the work we have to do before leaving. We continue to let go and trust the timing the flow of all the details. Letting go has become an essential aspect of the move to Alice Springs and we have and are continuing to receive tremendous energetic support from so many of you that is making this possible.


I am thrilled to think of this next big step that we will physically make and then as a community we will work together energetically on a next step of our mission creating this Diamond Arc of light consciousness between the land in Alice Springs and Grand Marais. I am looking forward to working beside you as we collectively create and hold the energy for the Diamond Arc to be formed.


At this juncture we don’t have all the finances we require to buy the land, we are trusting and continuing to move forward with our plans knowing the guidance is to move to Alice Springs, this is our next step.


In truth the only thing that exists is this moment. We need to focus only on the moment and witness our lives unfold newly every moment. Not to be distracted by the past or the future, because that does not exist, no matter how our Ego mind thinks it knows the out-come.


I continue to remember the power of my Conscious breath, how it now is energetically creating an acceleration of my letting go and receiving. I remain committed, consciously working with the gifts within myself as we prepare to leave.



With all that is going on in our personal lives right now there is an acceleration with my ongoing work with the Pleiadians and Galactic community. Daily I am receiving guidance and understanding, channeled information about the vast energetic changes that will be coming onto our planet in the last months of this year 2022.


These huge changes are to begin in the last few weeks of October and are to accelerate through November and building further in December, leading right into the New Year. Our October Zoom class is designed to support you in being able to energetically navigate these higher consciousness openings.


Those of us who are consciously awakening are going to go through a powerful, profound metamorphic change. Those of you who are doing the Galactic Immersion classes will find that the new energetic Encryptions that you have been receiving will allow you to forge into these higher pathways of energy which are about to be re-established on the earth plane.


Collectively we have much work to do to fulfill our collective mission. The energies in Alice Springs will be a springboard for our community work, which will be outlined to me when we arrive in Australia. The red center of Australia holds many powerful multidimensional reality states, there is such a purity within the outback region to allow us to work within sacred platforms which are not available anywhere else on our earth plane. These energies create a setting unlike anywhere else, almost like, an off-planet experience. Within these expansive environments I will be enabled to channel sacred frequencies to you as a group.


Once we get settled in Australia, we will be putting out a notice for all of you who wish to participate in this next step. We as a world- wide group are destined to play an essential role in creating a main branch of energetic light for the planet and then to bring into being a sacred covenant that will weave us as a community group.


The Pleiadians are speaking about new ways of being in community. This is a learning curve for all of us and they are committed to guiding us in this next phase of our awakening here on Earth. We as human beings are the only ones who can successfully launch Earth into the ‘new dawning’ era.


I will continue to keep you updated as we move forward. Remember to continue to let go. We ask for your ongoing energetic support in this next phase of our journey.


Love and blessings to each one of you,

