Christine Day Online
August 1, 2023
Christine’s Message August 2023

Hello, There are so many vast energetic openings being revealed to me since the Scahndahlah event took place. The awakening of these pure light creations has opened me to a higher clarity and more defined purpose for myself. There is a collective interaction with the entire Universal and Spiritual community that is unfolding as I […]

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August 1, 2023
Pleiadian Message August 2023

Beloved ones we greet you,   Strong energetic forces are at work within Earth. The effects of the Scahndahlah event are expanding in light intensity daily. This light is reconfiguring the energetic vortexes and ley lines across the earth plane. There are a series of multidimensional sacred patterns being reestablished within these energetic centers. These […]

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August 1, 2023
Pleiadian Message August 2023 Article

Beloved ones we greet you,   New awakenings have been seeded across your earth plane. This happening took place at a launching moment of what we call the sacred Scahndahlah event at the time of the full moon during your last calendar month. This event has brought forth a pure light radiance on Earth, a […]

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