Christine Day Online

Christine's Message September 2023



I have just returned from Uluru. This journey was an incredibly powerful process taking me completely by surprise. I was clearly directed to go back to the cave where I originally connected to my full memories of being part of a Pleiadian tribe who lived at Uluru many eons ago. Our collective Pleiadian mission was to impart the knowledge of the ‘Dreaming’ to the Indigenous aboriginal tribes who inhabited Australia.


My first time of entering the cave changed my life as I had previously known it to be with the shift of my awareness deeply anchoring me to another aspect of my Pleiadian consciousness. This in turn led me to move from the USA to Alice Springs, central Australia.


Returning to the cave on this trip allowed me to emerge from a Cocoon. I was unaware of being in this metamorphic state. As I emerged from this cocoon, I entered another aspect of my Pleiadian consciousness, liberated like never before.  Once more my life as I have known it is changed.


I am aware of another aspect of myself evolving daily, I have entered a vast state of reconnection to a higher state of light resonance. A state of communion within the multidimensional aspects of Universal consciousness. I have taken flight like a butterfly, feeling the limitless potential of myself unfolding. I am filled with gratitude for this unexpected gift of myself being revealed.


These changes are intense in my physical body, I am needing to let go on levels just to cope with the extreme light frequencies that are constantly vibrating through me. I have an inner knowing that this is just the beginning of a series of changes that are to take place within me over the coming month. I open to fully commit to receiving these powerful realignments. I let go and trust.


Remember we are all being supported at this time with the ever-increasing Scahndahlah effect light. Open through your Heart and allow yourself to be in this wave of transmutation. I hold the Platform steady right now for you. Call my energy forward at any time for support.


Love and blessings,

