Christine Day Online

Christine's Message October 2023


This past month has been a huge time of celebration, like emerging from a cocoon as a butterfly. My visit to Uluru returning to the cave launched me into being able to interact within higher resonance communion alliances with the Galactic community. This launching has enabled me to participate in a series of higher resonance reconnections with Home.


There has been an acceleration within my energetic systems, allowing me to enter an expansive more complete framework of my higher consciousness. So much unfolding so quickly and I feel a deep sense of gratitude and peace.


I am finding that I have entered a timeless space of vastness and am focusing on letting go as I travel within these realms. I am very conscious of letting go and simply allowing myself to adjust within this unfamiliar arena that I have returned within.


I have been involved in a series of unique communications with the Galactic council and Galactic community. They are requesting for a ‘core group’ of us living here on the earth plane to work from a very different orientation with the Universal community.


These interactions begin a very intimate and expanded series of communion alignments working directly alongside the Galactic community. The ‘core group’ is to work alongside the Universal community as a team to complete a series of energetic projects here on Earth for the direct benefits of humanity.


Collectively we are to create these series of arenas containing vast expansive frequency settings, these can be likened to multidimensional vortex structures. They will be designed to launch energetic shifts of consciousness for those of us who are ready. These vortex like structures are pre-destined to evolve and activate supporting this next upcoming phase of transition on our earth plane.


The acceleration created by the Scahndahlah effect consciousness is continuing to further expand as we enter October. I want to remind you to utilize the Conscious breath throughout the day in support of you simultaneously letting go and opening to receive your own vast light reconnections. This is our time to thrive within this higher consciousness arena that is anchoring on Earth.


Know that you can call on my energy at any time. I am holding the Platform for each one of you as we move forward into this higher arena of consciousness.


Love and blessings,

