Christine Day Online

Christine's Message 2024



I can’t believe just how fast time is moving. The Pleiadians are saying there is an acceleration of time happening in our reality on Earth, with everything speeding up due to the higher elevation of light entering the planet.


Alisa and I are thrilled to be back home from the USA. We spent time being back in Grand Marais, MN adjusting the crystals in the Workroom on our land. The crystal adjustments that I was guided to create are in readiness for the vast spaces of expansion to take place here in Alice Springs as the Star configuration is anchored on this land in early October. We have a tremendous amount of clearing work to accomplish on this property to enable the pure transfers of energy to anchor for this event.


We keep reminding ourselves that we are not alone in doing this and all will be completed in time for this happening. We are letting go and trusting the sacred unfolding that is to take place here. Remember that our land in Grand Marais is connected through the “Diamond Arc” to the land here in Alice Springs creating a vast rainbow of light between both properties.


I can share with you the pure joy we feel as work the land and unveil powerful energetic spaces here. I feel so grateful for all the guidance and love that is being given to us as we move forward in this project.


This is a self-empowering time, intense as each one of us undergoes levels of transmutation within our systems. Remember all is in hand and you can trust the enormous changes that are taking place within you. The worlds 3rd dimensional drama continues to unfold around us and despite this each one of us is being held and fully supported in moving forward.


I appreciate all the support that is being sent our way by all of you, making a huge difference. Together we take another step forward. Remember to take moments to be in the stillness of your Heart.


Love and blessings,

