Christine Day Online

Christine's Message August 2024



I have been working on our land in Alice Springs enjoying a strong connection to the natural forces and being aware of a powerful unfolding taking place within my Heart. My greatest Heart’s desire has always been to move from being the mountain and to become the plain.  During this very sacred journey I have taken this month I have undergone an amazing transformation. I have been given the grace of returning to that, which has unfolded my Heart’s desire, revealing to me my own higher essence of being on another level never experienced before.


As we entered August we move into a time of vast changing momentum. The focus must be to let go and stay aligned to the Heart space. To utilize your Heart as a reference point to bring you into a place of stability in your day to day living. Your Heart will enable you to fully recognize what is truth and that, which is only illusion being played out throughout the planet.


By the 10th of August we are to enter another phase of awakening on Earth. Be prepared for an intensification of your 3rd dimensional daily experience. Within this upcoming timeframe there will be great change, a time of an accelerated intensity throughout the planet. This 3rd dimensional upheaval across the earth plane can bring a simultaneous opportunity for higher personal transformation and awakening.


Know that you cannot control events in your life, however you can choose how you are going to deal with situations that will arise for you. You can expect a series of further unfolding of drama that will grow as we move further through August into September and November.


We individually will be challenged, your authenticity, your belief systems and most importantly the path of your Heart. There will be political upheaval, earth changes and high 3rd dimensional drama worldwide. These are the accelerated changes that have been prophesized, knowing that with all re-birth there is chaos.


The most essential thing to remember is that you can continually re-orientate yourself through the stillness of your own Heart connection. Allow the love of your Heart to be the stabilizing elemental in your life.


You are never alone. I am being called to hold the Platform, anchoring the mirror for the pure stabilization to enable you to achieve stability through the space of your own Heart.


I witness you and honor all that you are within your Heart!


Love and blessings,

