Christine Day Online

Christine's Message September 2024



I am travelling this month and know that I will be constantly called to let go as I physically make my way across the world to work in Brazil. This is such a vast and intense journey we are on right now. So many energetic dynamics affecting our systems. The most important element of this ongoing process within our physical systems is requiring us to let go and allow a higher fluidity to re-emerge within our systems.


A conscious choice action of letting go will allow a smoother transition of this phase of rebirth. We are in the re-entry process of multidimensional reconnection, a rebirth of our own higher light forging within the crystalline structure within the physical cells of the body.

Our Hearts and entire brain are undergoing a series of electrical upgrades, creating moments of intense confusion and disorientation. There is little we can do within this process, simply let go, use the Conscious breath, trust and allow the unfolding process. Everything is in hand and yet the ego mind will be feeling out of control.


The Pleiadians are saying that we can expect an acceleration of drama on Earth as we receive further intensifications of higher light structures anchoring within the planet. This is your time to consciously align within your Hearts center, maintaining a strong stable anchor throughout these changes. Your individual role is to create that stable Platform for humanity. Witnessing the drama while maintaining the Platform created through the alignment within your Heart.


I have been experiencing a further awakening of consciousness. Yes, there has been a lot of chaos around me and my focused intent is a continued alignment within the arena of my Heart. It can be so easy to be caught into the human drama, however my intention is to witness the unfolding drama and to stay steady within my multidimensional Heart.


Expect the unexpected to unfold this month in your day-to-day life and upon the world stage. Remember we have come to play an essential role of holding an anchored Platform of stability at this juncture. Collectively we make the difference. Each moment you can align within your Heart will make the difference. Let’s focus on our Heart’s this month to support our collective journey.


Love and blessings,

