Christine Day Online

Christine’s Message October 2024



This last month went by so quickly. Alisa and I were travelling in Brazil through the whole month of September. During our journey I have undergone a profound transformation within my multidimensional awareness through entering into a higher experience of my realized self. I have come into a deeper understanding that I simply can open to the fully realized state that has always existed within me. I know how this may sound however the direct experience of understanding this has shifted my entire perception of who I am within the Oneness state bringing me to a more complete natural stable accessibility to Self.


Everything within my life has altered dramatically from this direct stable experience within the Oneness. This brings me into another arena to access my consciousness of wisdom and has brought me into a deeper appreciation of the importance of my daily human experiences.


I must say it is wonderful to be back in the expansive energies of Alice Springs, to be home. The Pleiadians have been giving me deeper insights of the vast energetic changes that are imminent in the upcoming months on our planet. Those of us on the path are about to be launched into the higher consciousness realms that will be anchoring on Earth.


Remember we are the ‘way showers’, this means that we have pre-agreed to hold a specific energetic platform for the rest of humanity. To stabilize Earth during these dramatic shifts/changes that are nearly upon us. You hold the Platform by spending moments within your Heart space. Each time you consciously align to your Heart you make the difference. Between all of us we will fulfill an aspect of this essential mission.


I feel incredible gratitude for each moment that I am living this adventure on Earth. I wish to remind you that you are playing an integral part in the sacred unfolding at this juncture on the planet. The 3rd dimensional drama is going to continue to escalate and remember your sacred connection to yourself is within. Align through your Heart and utilize the conscious breath to let go…  Knowing all is in hand.


Love and blessings,

