Christine Day Online

Christine's Message November 2024



I send love to each one of you and celebrate the enormous changes that are flowing onto our planet. Each one of us has been preparing for this sacred time and we are on the cusp of this sacred launching that will springboard our entire earth plane into a next step cycle of vast transformation. We have officially begun another era of a higher consciousness potential.


Wherever you find yourself on the planet right now there is an added intensity as the walls of illusion begin to shatter all the old barriers that have been holding the 3rd dimension in place for lifetimes. Rapid change is in upon us, as the Timelines of Earth disintegrate, creating a birthing of monumental proportions. Expect the unexpected this month. Be prepared for further levels of accelerated change that is pre-destined to take place over the coming months into 2025.


You can all expect a series of extremes in the intensity to accelerate, as further waves of electrical light flows flood the planet. This electrical frequency of light will affect each one of us on the cellular level, shifting our ability to perceive the reality of our own consciousness beyond the ego mind. Within the timeframe of this month each one of us is being called to stabilize within the link to our Heart space. We have officially entered a next phase of what the Pleiadean’s have been calling the ‘New Dawning’ of Earth.


These last weeks have brought me into a swirling, shifting series of unknown, intense light consciousness arenas where I have reconnected to higher elemental frequencies of myself. Letting go has been the only option to navigating within these spaces. Through opening my awareness, utilizing the Conscious breath to align within the moment, trusting the moment within my whole Heart, that is what I have done. Not trying to understand this unknown arena. And I have been totally committed to becoming this unfolding energy, simultaneously knowing that I was and still am being repositioned on every level within myself.


We have all been prepared to meet this time. Remember the ego mind does not and will never understand this process. Your multidimensional Heart is your only true reference point for this time.


I am focused on holding a steady Platform for everyone. In the action of letting go I become all that I am meant to be in this moment. Together we can let go and allow this transmutation.


Love and blessings,

