Christine Day Online

Christine's Message December 2024



I have been witnessing a vast change in the energetic configurations of Earth accelerating leading into December. There are some unique light configurations opening, being reflected in the night sky and at the time of sunrise and sunset. These amazing frequency settings are being mirrored in physical forms within the sky and they are heralding in, almost announcing the coming of an incredible set of sacred happenings to take place in our environment on Earth at the time of New Year.


I have been going through profound changes, an altered awareness within my surroundings here. I am sure many of you are undergoing similar change / transmutation. I am constantly having to update my orientation to the multidimensional alternate reality experiences that are now much more engaging with my heart than ever before.


The energy of our land here in Alice Springs has been constantly shifting this month. There have been a series of multidimensional higher forms of energy descending within the sacred space of the land daily. Configurations of light creating shifts, revealing more of the alternate reality spaces that are now much more accessible to us. We are flowing, being blended daily within these spaces. This is creating confusion within our Ego mind aspects and clearly, we are being shown to let go and trust this rapid unfolding.


Remember we have entered a higher timeframe of consciousness already, prior to New Year and it is essential not to hang onto any past references for the moments we are experiencing now. This is the time to let go of all concepts, like never before, as we enter this entirely different time space of consciousness.


We are all interconnected through the Heart space. It essential to remember at this juncture to utilize your unique Heart connection for stabilization in your day to day living. Witness the drama unfolding in life and know that you are anchored beyond the illusion and drama while accessing the clear peaceful space within your Heart.


Collectively we make the difference on the planet during this powerful transition time. You hold a unique key within your Heart, each time you enter your Heart your key turns and creates a shift within the environment of Earth.


Sending love and blessings,

