Christine Day Online

12. “Aligning Your Heart to the Stargate Frequencies” Zoom Class



The Stars are aligned at this juncture for you to allow a higher framework frequency from the Stargate to begin to reopen its transmission of communion within your Sacred Heart.

The hand of the Divine is leading the way.

Stay focused on releasing all of the energies that no longer serve you.

Transmuting fear into love. Where fear resides, there is simply a call for love to be made manifest in that moment.

The Stargate Frequencies are here to support the transmutation of your consciousness. To move beyond the mundane illusion and allow love to flow freely within your life.

After purchase you will receive an email with a link to access Material for the class. This link will give you access to the videos of the class and pdf material for you to work with for your initiations and ongoing unfoldment.

