Christine Day Online
January 3, 2023
Christine’s Message January 2023

Hello,   I send greetings to you from the pure beautiful space of Alice Springs. I wish you a self- empowerment journey for 2023 and may you have a joyous and magical year ahead.   I now have a deeper appreciation of being brought to Alice Springs for the unfolding of my next step of […]

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January 3, 2023
Pleiadian Message January 2023 Article

Beloved Ones We Greet You,   Be still and know that you have now entered a higher path on Earth where the vibrational patterns are able to descend from the Universe down onto your planet’s surface. These vibrational patterns of higher consciousness are interacting through your magnetic core, creating waves of pulsing light designed to […]

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January 3, 2023
Pleiadian Message January 2023

Beloved ones we greet you,   Your planet has begun an intense energetic recalibration through the reopening of higher vibrational doorways at the time of the Reset at New Year. This Reset is producing a constant expansion of light waves flowing across the earth plane shifting the entire energetic dynamic of Earth by creating a […]

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December 3, 2022
Christine’s Message 2022

Hello, I know that the energies are building as we enter the last month of 2022! There is a strong call going out from the Pleiadians for us to individually continue to build a deepening connection within the energetic framework of our multidimensional Hearts. Over the coming weeks we can expect many subtle and not […]

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December 3, 2022
Pleiadian Message December 2022 Article

Beloved ones we greet you,   We, the Pleiadians and the entire Universal community are holding a steady vibrational consciousness around your planet as you come to the end of one phase of Earth’s transition and enter an entirely new stage of being. Your Magnetic core is in constant expansion, its vibrational light pulse is […]

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December 3, 2022
Pleiadian Message December 2022

Beloved ones we greet you,   You have taken a journey of unlimited proportions by agreeing to come to the planet at this time of transition and play your unique individual roles on Earth. Remember you said “yes” to being here. Your Ego mind may not remember the pre agreements that you made for this […]

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November 5, 2022
Christine’s Message November 2022

Hello,   What an amazing time we are living. There are many dynamics happening simultaneously in our world and within our lives. The intense 3rd dimensional drama is accelerating while we are individually being given gifts and blessings that are being returned to us from our sacred component.   We get to choose to utilize […]

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November 5, 2022
Pleiadian Message November 2022 Article

Beloved ones we greet you,   There are vast changes taking place within your planet that will have a direct impact on your entire energetic and physical systems. Waves of change are flowing across your earth plane, which directly arise from the dynamic shifts that take place in the rotation of the Earth. Your Earth […]

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November 5, 2022
Pleiadian Message November 2022

Beloved ones we greet you,   We hold the energetic container of Earth as your magnetic core increases in its vibrational light, creating wave like flows of light to move across your earth plane. These energies are preparing the planet and your own heart cells to receive seeds of light that will grow and expand […]

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October 5, 2022
Christine’s Message October 2022

Hello,   How wonderful to be with you at such a sacred time on our earth plane. As we enter October we are launched into a next phase of awakening on Earth. From this month and the months leading into New Year we are going to be repositioned in a very different way than ever […]

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