Christine Day Online
October 5, 2022
Pleiadian Message October 2022 Article

Beloved ones we greet you,   Your Earth is shifting, like the sands in a desert. Be willing to allow the changes within your own consciousness as a complete metamorphosis begins to take place within you. Know that the time has arrived for these vast changes to occur within yourself and the earth plane. You […]

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October 5, 2022
Pleiadian Message October 2022

Beloved ones we greet you,   At this juncture of powerful transmutation, each one of you is being launched on another level into a next phase of awakening. This is your time for a rapid reset and as you are moved into the calendar of 2023 you are destined to undergo a huge shift in […]

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September 1, 2022
Christine’s Message September 2022

Hello,   Life is like a whirlwind right now as we are busy packing, organizing for our move to Australia. It has been 30 years since I have lived in Australia, and the move to Alice Springs, which will place us in the deep red center of Australia feels extraordinarily fulfilling, exciting and at the […]

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September 1, 2022
Pleiadian September 2022 Article

Beloved ones we greet you, You are being called forward within the vast spectrum of God consciousness light to begin to enter and anchor within a different arena of yourself. There is a parallel state of existence that is in essence a more complete multidimensional aspect of you. This higher state of your being   has […]

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September 1, 2022
Pleiadian Message September 2022

Beloved ones we greet you,   We witness you as you navigate your way through your life. There is a higher frequency open into the Earth’s atmosphere supporting you in entering a higher state of consciousness.  As the light on your planet intensifies further, another level of light is creating a shift to support you […]

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August 4, 2022
Christine’s Message August 2022

Hello,   There are so many expansive changes taking place within the planet that are directly impacting us as we navigate our way through our 3rd dimensional lives. Simultaneously we are being re-orientated to a higher resonance frequency that is shifting our inner perceptions to a vast pathway that is being revealed to us individually. […]

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August 4, 2022
Pleiadian August 2022 Article

Beloved ones we greet you,   Within the Universe the star systems are aligning differently to a vastly changed energetic Earth. These star systems have shifted the veils which have been in place for lifetimes and   sacred mysteries interwoven within the intricate pattern of the Stars are being revealed to mankind. Made available to those […]

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August 4, 2022
Pleiadian Message August 2022

Beloved Ones We Greet You,   The die is cast… there is a process of the birthing of sacred environmental formations opening within your Earth. There is a vast light, like a net that has been released across the planet forging a higher energetic resonance throughout the planet and opening a divine realignment of sacred […]

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July 3, 2022
Christine’s Message July 2022

Hello,   This has been a whirlwind month as we have settled back into Grand Marais and are adjusting to all the upcoming changes in our life. I want to acknowledge all of you who have sent emails of energetic support for this next phase of the mission. I am excited by how the Pleiadians […]

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July 3, 2022
Pleiadian July 2022 Article

Beloved ones we greet you,   The shifting light from the sacred Sun is illuminating further into your world creating a continuation of unearthing the 3rd dimensional density, building waves of further distortions within the illusion. These shafts of light are intensifying the drama throughout your planet, while simultaneously there are vast openings of multidimensional […]

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