The Pleiadians are giving us notice of a profound energetic happening to take place in 2025. A vast realm of higher light, that has never previously anchored on Earth, is going to descend, activating a destined shift reopening sacred realms of reconnection within you.
This 3 Day Pleiadian Seminar is like no other seminar that has gone before. Designed specifically to prepare you to launch yourself at this time of profound change. This is the most significant opportunity ever to be offered to humanity to create a vast shift of awakening within you. This is a divine process of restoration and resurrection.
Through initiations designed by the Pleiadians you will re-activate six Cord positions within your Spinal Column and Sacrum, accessing your divine heritage. Re-instating a pure light framework that links you to the Universal God consciousness and realigns you to your inner wisdom.
Your sacred stature has always been alive and well within you. This next step is to unlock the sacred frequency flow of reconnection to your divine realization through the reinstatement of these six Cord positions. This entire process is you rebirthing you.
Come and join me in this divine process of restoration and resurrection!
You may be wondering, “What is my next step?”
I have been in a unique communication with the Galactic council and Galactic community. There is a call going out for a core group of us here on the earth plane to work from a very different orientation with the Universal community.
This program will involve unique processes and tools presented in the Seminar to prepare you to participate as a member of the ‘core group’.
You will begin a very intimate and expanded series of communion alignments within the Galactic communion higher resonance state. Learn how to work directly alongside the Galactic community for the direct benefits of humanity here on Earth.
The Pleiadians are to bring a higher profile network to this Seminar than ever before experienced. This network has been approved by the Galactic council.
Learn to work within a multidimensional network where collective communion frequencies flow and interact. A sacred geometrical form which generates pure radiance light. Its role is to amplify collective communion resonance for the specific purpose of anchoring you more completely within this resident Universe.
In this seminar you will gain skills to work from another multidimensional viewpoint with your own mission on this planet. Work within this profound process, anchor yourself into an entirely different consciousness state through a deep process of transmutation as you realigning to a series of higher network principals.
Through the further intensification of the Scahndahlah effect consciousness on Earth you are enabled to retrieve your sacred Keys re-accessing your higher knowledge and knowing.
Come and answer the call that is going out for you to become a member of a ‘core group’ from Earth to work with the Galactic community on a completely new level than ever before.
Come and take your place within a vast hierarchy of light.
We have entered The Aquarian Age and this time heralds in a new era for your awakening. Energetic tools which you have not previously had access are now available for your use.
This Seminar is designed to:
This Seminar is a destiny call, designed for you to re-establish an energetic resonance framework within you. Enabling you to fully participate within the expansive waves of light consciousness as you engage within the higher frequencies of the Aquarian Age.
In this 3 day program you will re-establish your ‘Toolbox’. The ‘Toolbox’ will include your energetic field and energetic systems within your physical body. Your body becomes tuned as the energetic ‘Toolbox’, which will enable you to reconnect and anchor your Aquarian age tools. You will learn to utilize these tools for use in your day-to-day life.
Join in this series of amazing life changing processes. The audio files carry all the frequencies of the initiations for you to work with for your ongoing unfoldment.
Join Christine as she transmits initiations from the sacred expansive multidimensional spaces which exist within the red center of Australia.
The Pleiadian’s are calling this a ‘sacred happening’ as you move into a deeply profound space aligning within a sacred energetic profile of Self. As you return to these spaces of light you will learn how to navigate an alliance with your Godhead Self.
Your alliance to your Godhead frequency will be sourced through initiations within your sacrum and spinal fluid, reopening up doorways to your Godhead frequency.
You will source another aspect of an arena of your Heart through the accessing of your Godhead self. Learn to become a weaver of your own energetic world as you access the powerful transformational creation strands within your Heart.
Over these three days you will return to become an extension of the sacred fluid consciousness which exists within the Godhead consciousness state.
The Pleiadians bring a series of profound initiations that will directly impact your central nervous system. These initiations are designed to expand your brain synapses, which will enhance your brain functioning.The cells of your brain will be redefined dimensionally, realigning you back to a pure Love conscious frequency experience to unveil aspects of your Sacred Higher Self. Allowing your to move into a deeper remembrance of your natural multidimensional Higher Self. Open into another level of your sacred senses and move into a new perspective of Truth, Living Truth within your life now.
Come and forge a new path!
Come and experience a self-empowering adventure as you reconnect to your Merkaba body!
Merkaba: The Pleiaidans say that the MERKABA is a rotating light that carries the human body and spirit from one multidimensional plane to another.
Your Merkaba body is made up of pure crystalline liquid light and as it births within you it naturally anchors and interacts through the Sacrum, the Spinal Fluid, the Brain Stem, the Pineal and your multidimensional Heart within your physical framework of your body.
Your Merkaba body is a natural aspect of your multidimensional higher self.
A reconnection to your Merkaba body allows you to begin to operate from a much higher, clearer space of light. Moving you to realign within the Higher Realm consciousness of your God light.
Areas of the brain that have not been actively utilized this life time will reopen as the Brain Synapses expand and the nervous system enters an electrical redesign. All cells within your body will be ‘switched on’ from a different multidimensional perspective, birthed into this expanded reconnection to your multidimensional nature.
You will open into another aspect of your sacred 6th sense, unveiling aspects of your Higher Self, aligning to a new perspective of Truth to live that Truth in your daily lives.
These processes will allow you to move and align to a deep remembering process.
I look forward to sharing these initiations with you!
Love and blessings,