Christine Day OnlineGoFundMe - Alice Springs Diamond Arc of Light
September 1, 2024
Christine’s Message September 2024

Hello,   I am travelling this month and know that I will be constantly called to let go as I physically make my way across the world to work in Brazil. This is such a vast and intense journey we are on right now. So many energetic dynamics affecting our systems. The most important element […]

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September 1, 2024
Pleiadian Message September 2024

Beloved ones we greet you,   Take moments in stillness within the Heart. Open to receive the vastness of sacred blessings which are waiting to be bestowed back to you as you are ready to receive them through your Heart. Through the receiving of these blessings, you take another step forward. This is a time […]

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September 1, 2024
Pleiadian Message September 2024 Article

Beloved ones we greet you,   Great energetic forces are at work across your planet and the winds of change are heralding in a next phase cycle of the New Dawning prophecies.  The higher realms of light are being anchored throughout the Earth. Light codes are to being released onto the planet accelerating the energetic […]

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August 5, 2024
Christine’s Message August 2024

Hello,   I have been working on our land in Alice Springs enjoying a strong connection to the natural forces and being aware of a powerful unfolding taking place within my Heart. My greatest Heart’s desire has always been to move from being the mountain and to become the plain.  During this very sacred journey […]

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August 5, 2024
Pleiadian Message August 2024

Beloved ones we greet you,   Great energetic forces are at work across your earth plane, the winds of change are creating a next phase cycle of higher light codes to anchor throughout the planet. These light codes will birth a series of higher light frequency waves, bringing forth a pure consciousness of love that […]

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August 1, 2024
Pleiadian Message August 2024 Article

Beloved ones we greet you,   Our resident Universe is carrying a higher frequency elemental of God consciousness than ever before. Your personal awakening work that you have been doing within yourselves has contributed to these pure waves of higher flows of God frequency to be able to enter this resident Universe.   These light […]

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July 3, 2024
Christine’s Message July 2024

Hello,   As we move further into this year the higher consciousness energetic framework around Earth is building, which creates a greater opportunity for each one of us to begin operating from a higher flow of our multidimensional selves. This fluidity is supporting a rapid evolution of our self-resurrection.   A conscious choice action to […]

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July 3, 2024
Pleiadian Message July 2024

Beloved ones we greet you,   Vast forces are at work as the wheel turns with the next phase of your transition on Earth to begin. You, Earth is to enter another cycle of evolution at the end of this month, which is designed to shift you into another level of consciousness. A series of […]

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July 3, 2024
Pleiadian Message July 2024 Article

Beloved ones we greet you,   As the winds of change sweep across your earth plane you are being realigned through the sacred configuration of planets, which lined up with your planet, Earth. At the juncture of this alignment a corridor of light was created, flowing onto the planet.   This manifestation of a higher […]

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June 1, 2024
Christine’s Message June 2024

Hello,   I was in Uluru just a few weeks ago, and the sacred energies held within the multidimensional consciousness of Uluru itself was truly profound. I found myself being drawn within the vast layers of this higher consciousness arena, being prepared energetically within myself to work and align to the Stargate configuration that is […]

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