Christine Day Online
February 2, 2022
Pleiadian February 2022 Message

Beloved ones we greet you,   An aura of brilliance, that we liken to a Nova, surrounds your Earth. As you entered the new time framework of 2022 there was a brilliant explosion of liquid light that emanated from the magnetic core of the earth plane. As this light traveled across the planet, it also […]

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February 2, 2022
Pleiadian Message February 2022

Beloved ones we greet you,   The winds of change are continuing to flow across your world, within your physical and energetic systems as well as through your individual lives. There is an acceleration of another level of energetic shifts activating and expanding the energetic arena of your planet. These changes are being transmitted from […]

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January 3, 2022
Christine’s Message January 2022

Hello,   How wonderful to witness the shimmering light that is emanating throughout our planet as we entered the new time framework of 2022. This is a different arena in which we can all thrive, where our own higher consciousness is aligned to each brain cell and our brain synapses are carrying a pure electrical […]

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January 3, 2022
Pleiadian January 2022 Message

Beloved ones we greet you,   The winds of change have anchored a new energetic arena on your earth plane, a higher dimensional playing field has been made manifest. This happening has created an expanded landscape of opportunity for each one of you to evolve at a faster rate into your enlightenment process.   Destiny […]

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January 3, 2022
Pleiadian Message January 2022

Beloved ones we greet you,   You have arrived at a new juncture within yourselves. This entire process set before you is a new beginning. You shift to emerge, like a bud of a flower, opening up its petals to the light of the Sun. You are to move through a series of unfolding stages […]

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December 4, 2021
Christine’s Message December 2021

Hello,   What are powerful and transformative time we are going through leading into the New Year. The energy of the upcoming ‘Split’ is already impacting all areas of my consciousness and daily living. This time feels as though every aspect of my life is being rearranged and not in a concise way!   The […]

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December 2, 2021
Pleiadian December 2021 Message

Beloved ones we greet you,   Your earth plane is fast approaching the ‘big shift’, which is destined to unfold as you complete the cycle of 2021 and rotate into the next energetic cycle of 2022. This will be a completion of an essential phase of your time of preparation, and 2022 will herald in […]

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November 6, 2021
Pleiadian November 2021 Message

Beloved ones we greet you,   As you move closer to the end of this year a series of veils will begin to lift, they begin to reveal Truth to you on another level. This is part of your destiny in motion as revelations and blessings are being returned to you, bringing you into a […]

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November 4, 2021
Christine’s Message November 2021

Hello, How wonderful to connect with you! We are fast approaching ‘the Shift’ that the Pleiaidians are saying is the biggest energetic transfer ever to take place during our current transition on Earth. This happening is destined to take place at the time of New Year. Over the next few weeks, leading up to 2022 […]

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November 4, 2021
Pleiadian Message November 2021

Beloved ones we greet you, Powerful forces are entering your planet this month supporting all your awakened communities throughout Earth. The sacred vortexes, sites and portals are holding vibrational mirrors of a higher consciousness frequency. They will continue to hold these reflections as they build in momentum and birth throughout the planet. These frequencies will […]

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