Christine Day Online
October 4, 2021
Christine’s Message October 2021

Hello,   So much is unfolding at this very sacred time on our planet. I have been in a state of incredible inner transformation and the Pleaidians have been giving me a deeper understanding of my individual process and my next steps of my mission at this juncture.   As we move closer to the […]

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October 4, 2021
Pleiadian Message October 2021

Beloved ones we greet you, We, the Pleiadians witness those of you who are awake on Earth, as you are on the cusp of great change and revelation. There is much about to be revealed to you through Communion, the conscious connection of your collective Hearts. Remember you have never been separated from the divine […]

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October 4, 2021
Pleiadian October 2021 Message

Beloved Ones We Greet You,   We bring forth a simple message to you; understand that only you can set in motion your own transformational process. This must be done on conscious level of letting go and choosing to seeking realignment to the natural aspect of your Sacred light. You choose to return and stabilize […]

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September 8, 2021
Christine’s Message September 2021

Hello, This last month has had a lot of 3rd dimensional challenges that have continued to build around our planet. As the multidimensional light expands on Earth there is an acceleration of density being unearthed across our planet, and the drama continues to build in momentum. The Pleiadians bring a simple message: to let go […]

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September 8, 2021
Pleiadian Message September 2021

Beloved ones we greet you, Be still and open into the expanse of your own multidimensional Heart. Allow the next steps of your awakening to unfold within, remember you are the only one who can initiate change within yourself. You have free will and only you can create a higher consciousness world for you. The […]

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September 8, 2021
Pleiadian September 2021 Message

Beloved ones we greet you,   We, the Pleiadians, alongside the universal community are increasing our presence on Earth as transformational light energies are unfolding on your planet. We hold our commitment to humanity creating an energetic balance of light on Earth, while not interfering with the playout of drama taking place on Earth. We […]

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August 1, 2021
Christine’s Message August 2021

Hello, Time is definitely speeding up. This month has gone by like a flash of light. The energy from the Covenant, which anchored late in June has created a series of incredibly intense light waves strongly impacting our day-to-day life. Here in Grand Marais I have been working within the Galactic Receiving Stations expanded energies […]

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August 1, 2021
Pleiadian Message August 2021

Beloved ones we greet you, A higher light is becoming manifest throughout your earth plane, building in layers and expanding its frequency in increments, aligning within the network of grids on Earth. The light is cascading, flowing and building in momentum, emerging from the higher realms with a rhythmic brilliance holding a higher light consciousness. […]

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August 1, 2021
Pleiadian August 2021 Message

Beloved ones we greet you, winds of change have entered Earth as the vibrational essence from the Covenant continues to evolve and unfold throughout the earth plane. These higher vibrational flows are being transmitted by the Covenant and they are interacting within the magnetic core of Earth. This transmission is expanding the energetic frequency emanating […]

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July 2, 2021
Christine’s Message July 2021

Hello,  I have been imprinted by the powerful essence of the Covenant, which anchored on Earth late last month. The energy of the Galactic Receiving Station on our land has been shifting dimensionally, expanding its capacity and we are being called to spend time entering these higher connections within the Portals and Gateway. The energies here […]

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