Christine Day Online
June 1, 2021
Pleiadian Message June 2021

Beloved ones we greet you, This month heralds in a sacred Covenant frequency to support you in the rebirth of your multidimensional natural state of fluidity. You are a multidimensional being. Beyond the 3rd dimensional state exists the fluid light of  4th/5th/ 6th dimensional planes of existence. Your natural state is one of being fluid light […]

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June 1, 2021
Pleiadian June 2021 Message

Beloved ones we greet you, Your Planet is about to enter a next phase of its transition. This era ahead of you is a time of Grace, which has been bestowed to all of your communities throughout Earth. A sacred covenant is to be activated. This is a destiny design to create a realignment so you […]

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May 8, 2021
Pleiadian Message May 2021

Beloved ones we greet you,  A profound phase of change is coming onto your Earth in the upcoming weeks. A higher vibrational phase of light is entering and anchoring on your planet. This frequency light enables you to realign to a higher aspect of your consciousness. This includes the sacred design of your Higher Self component […]

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May 8, 2021
Christine’s Message May 2021

Hello,  What a beautiful time of year for all of us who are in the Northern Hemisphere! The witnessing of new life as spring unfolds and simultaneously I experience an unfolding within. This is truly a time of letting go and of allowing our selves to be realigned to the multidimensional purpose of our missions. I […]

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May 8, 2021
Pleiadian May 2021 Message

Beloved ones we greet you, You are being repositioned, moved into a higher space of potential expression of Self as an expanded vibrational wave of light energy has moved within the arena of Earth. These frequency expansions on Earth are creating a sacred synergy with the rest of your resident Universe. Your planet is being realigned […]

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February 2, 2021
Christine’s Message February 2021

Hello,  I find myself consciously choosing to let go as I take alternate steps in my life, as I align to the higher Framework that is now active on Earth. My guidance is to allow everything to fall away and to celebrate the unknown. I am willing to allow the higher order of light to be […]

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February 2, 2021
Pleiadian Message February 2021

Beloved ones we greet you,  All of you on Earth are entering a next phase of passage. You are being awakened through a higher more expanded multidimensional Framework of light consciousness that was anchored on the planet during the sacred Grand Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn. Within the collective Universe there was a pure vibrational frequency, […]

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January 4, 2021
Christine’s Message January 2021

Hi,  Happy New Year! We have undergone an incredible metamorphic recalibration in the month of December, which has lead us into transformational re-openings as we entered the New Year. The Grand Conjunction of Pluto and Jupiter created and heralded in a next phase of passage for all of us on Earth. Awakening a higher more expanded […]

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January 4, 2021
Pleiadian Message January 2021

Beloved ones we greet you,  The wheel turns as Earth is moved into a higher multidimensional Framework as you enter the Age of Aquarius. At the time of the Great Conjunction Earth entered this new era of the Aquarius Age. Your planet has entered the next phase of awakening. This is the time for your Hearts […]

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January 3, 2021
Pleiadian January 2021 Message

“Reconnection to Your Sacred Realm Component”Beloved Ones, We greet you. Celebration! A new order of light has been established on your earth plane.  Much is being opened for you within the night skies, a different configuration within the star systems is being revealed. Some of you have already noticed an energetic pull that is being generated […]

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