Christine Day Online

Galactic Series I - AUDIO Classes

This series is presented as seven audio classes

Christine Day who has been working closely with the Pleiadians over the last two decades and now has been given instructions to build a multi- dimensional Pleiadian Communication Portal. The energies that are contained within the Portal carry transmitting frequencies of unlimited potential.

This Portal was always meant to play a significant role in the unfolding of the destiny of the planet and for humanity. The energies contained within the Portal are incomparable to anything that has been anchored on the earth plane up to this time.

Christine has been prepared energetically by the Pleiadians to channel these energies from the Portal through a sequence of energetic initiations to enable others to enter the Communication portal. In the classes Christine transmits from the Communication portal directly to those of you who are called to be part of the Galactic series.

This higher realm Communication Portal gives you access to a direct communication with the Pleiadians and the Galactic community. Through these initiations within the Communication Portal there is a dynamic accelerated awakening process that is activated through you.

Many tools are given to you as you are taken through a step by step process of initiation, which allows you energetically to enter the Communication Portal.

Come Join Christine in this powerful adventure!

Cost $99.00

