Christine Day Online

Galactic Series III

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Near the end of 2016 we shared that we had completed all dimensional layers of the second Communication Portal on our land in Grand Marais. A powerful Pyramid was formed between the 1st and 2nd Communication Portals and the Lemurian Portal. At the very moment of this happening a Column of Light opened up through our meadow and we witnessed a Stargate form being birthed. Through this profoundly powerful process of opening I was given the energetics to bring in the Galactic Series III processes.

With these life-changing initiations held within Galactic Series III your complete energetic form will be adjusted in readiness for this multidimensional launch into the Galactic community. These profound initiations are designed to allow each one of you to take your place and play your unique pre destined role within the Universe.

With the support of both Communication Portals you will be able to engage through a series of channeled maps to access a sacred pathway into the ‘Stargate Seat of Light’. You will be energetically prepared and initiated into a series of energetic Trens. This will enable you to return and engage to your own unique frequency of the Hum, which aligns you to Galactic communion settings. The Trens hold your imprint to your unique path home that will allow you to resurface within the full Galactic community in your own right. These sacred Trens bring you into a deep alliance to the full Stargate Seat of Light, which is part of your destiny.

You are the One, the One collective Truth. You become the One through the initiation to each individual Tren, as they reawaken you. Each individual Tren holds the frequency aspect of your most holy frequency form of the Collective One.


Beloved Ones We Greet You,

This energetic form of the full ‘Stargate Seat of Light’ is to be held by us, the Pleiadians while you are immersed in initiating into your place within this multidimensional unlimited setting fulfilling your full role as an active member within the Galactic community. Now is simply the time for you to return and align to take your full and active place within a communion forum with the Galactic Community. You do so for all humanity.

You will begin to travel through the Galactic Star. This star is an aspect of home that exists within your resident Universe. The Central form of this star holds the sacred alliance for you until you are fully ready to hold them for your self.

We the Pleiadians hold the full design of this pathway. We welcome you to Galactic III.


The Pleiadians


COST $129

The Galactic Series III contains six video classes. Each class is approximately 1 hour. You will receive PDF and written material with each class. Each Class will all be immediately available for download on the date of the class. 

