Christine Day Online

Language of Light Module II - Circles of Light

This module contains eight video classes designed to be worked with at your own pace.

You will learn how to create your own personal Circle of Light, which will enable you to move and stabilize beyond the 3rd dimensional world of illusion. I likened the ‘Circle of Light’ to an energetic womb, uniquely designed to align to your own individual frequency signature of light. This womb becomes a multi-dimensional chamber where you will learn to navigate yourself, and open into the Higher Realms for powerful initiations that you are ready to receive. Through your ‘Circle of Light’ you are able to access the Higher Realms and reconnect to your sacred nature, aligning you to knowledge and clarity.

You can utilize your Circle to move into a deep relaxation that cannot be accessed in the normal 3rd dimensional world. Within the energy of your ‘Circle of Light’ your body can rest at a very different level and there is a natural rejuvenation that takes place within the cells of your physical body. This resting process promotes a self-healing process within you.

You will learn how to work within the different dimensional states within your ‘Circle of Light’. There will be initiations activated through a series of awakening codes within your Circle that are designed to bring you back into a remembrance of your divine Self and re-connect you to aspects of your personal power.

The Sacred codes will re-activate your telepathic center, enabling you to re-establish a level of telepathic communication with the Spiritual Realms, the Universal Consciousness, and the natural forces. This will allow you to fully engage with the rest of the Universal Community, so that you can play a fuller role on the planet to complete your mission.

A Sacred Matrix has been especially created for you work through initiation processes within your Circle. This Matrix brings communion possibilities with the Star energies that are supporting us in our dimensional birthing at this time.

Your Circle of Light can become a stabilizing tool for you to gain insights, understanding and new alignments to Truth.

Note: Each Module in the series is a “stand alone” course. You can take these Modules in any order.

The Modules do not have to be done sequentially. They are set up to be intensive courses for you to move through at your own pace. Each Module consists of eight video classes that are designed to move you through an accelerated awakening. You choose the Module that feels right for your next step!

Note: Upon purchase contact with your mailing address. The Energetic Symbol used in this program will be sent to you.

